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How to build a simple image picker with SwiftUI using UIViewRepresentable

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5 min readSwiftUI, does not have a native component for directly accessing the photo library or camera. The way to do it with SwiftUI is to use UIViewRepresentable — a SwiftUI protocol that acts as a bridge, allowing us to integrate UIKit’s robust components seamlessly into SwiftUI views. One of our previous tutorial of building a PDF […]

Posted on 05 Jan 24  

Simple tutorial on Solana Rust smart contract with Anchor framework

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4 min readUsing the Serum’s Anchor framework to develop smart contract in Rust for the Solana blockchain is a much simpler approach than any other methods, especially when handling serialising and deserialising the data on-chain and adding some constraints for security checking etc.

Posted on 03 Mar 22  

Build a simple REST API with Golang, Gin and MySQL

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6 min readIt’s super easy to build a REST API with Go and its Gin web framework. Here comes a simple tutorial on how to build a REST API that retrieves a list of products stored in the MySQL database by GET. And also it allows the adding of product to the database by using POST.

Posted on 07 Jan 22  

How to create custom Shapes in SwiftUI

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6 min readSwiftUI comes with quite a number of built-in 2D shapes such as Rectangle, Circle, Ellipse, Capsule, RoundedRectangle etc. If all these are not enough to fulfil your needs, you can also create your own custom shapes by using Path

Posted on 04 May 21  

Handling sign in and sign out with FirebaseUI in SwiftUI – the MVVM way

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7 min readIn the previous tutorial, we’ve learned how to add FirebaseUI to your Xcode project, how to present the FirebaseUI’s viewController in SwiftUI app using UIViewControllerRepresentable and how to deal with the various setups required by Google, FB etc for adding their respective sign-in capabilities to your SwiftUI apps.

Posted on 04 Apr 21  

Add Google OAuth, FB, Twitter sign-in with FirebaseUI in your SwiftUI app

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8 min readThis is a tutorial on how to add sign in capabilities in your SwiftUI app by using Firebase and the FirebaseUI. FirebaseUI is built on top of FirebaseAuth which comes with a number of drop-in authentication solutions including sign-in with email, phone, Apple and a number of social networks including Google , Facebook, Twitter etc.

Posted on 27 Mar 21  

Scheduling local notification the MVVM way in SwiftUI

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6 min readIn the previous tutorial, we’ve shown you how we can send, receive and handle local notifications with SwiftUI and now we are going to look at a practical example to build a simple app to schedule notification by using the MVVM design approach.

Posted on 15 Mar 21  

Handling local notification in SwiftUI

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8 min readThere are two types of notifications in iOS app, the local and remote notifications. The local notification is a handy way for you to send notifications right away from the app to the users without having to do it from the server side.

Posted on 11 Mar 21  

Build a PDF composer app with PDFKit – the SwiftUI and MVVM way

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10 min readPDFKit is the framework by Apple that you need to display and manipulate PDF files in your app. PDF is useful so we can generate files that cannot be modified and shared or sent to others. This is especially useful for apps that need to generate receipts, bills, invoices or any other confidential or important […]

Posted on 27 Feb 21  

How to build app Settings page with NavigationView, List, Section & NavigationLink in SwiftUI

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4 min readIt’s very often that we need to provide a Settings page in our apps, to let users twist with a number of settings including editing their user profile, setting various preferences and even viewing some additional reports etc.

Posted on 18 Feb 21  
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